Robotics, Machine vision

Robotics and machine vision are very mature technologies, but are also constantly developing and evolving. Whether separately or in combination with each other, they allow the optimization of many production processes and the quality assurance of the finished products. At Syspro we work with different manufacturers, adapting to the standards of our clients and/or selecting the most suitable models, depending on the application.



Productivity, speed, quality, reliability, repeatability, flexibility. These are just some of the advantages of using industrial robots in production processes.


Not just any robot will do for any application nor can all applications simply be automated using robots. At Syspro we study the clients' needs and the viability of the applications to be robotized, advising them and proposing the best solution in each case.

Turnkey projects and improvements/adaptations.

We design and build complete turnkey robotic applications, or we make the necessary changes and improvements to existing applications to adapt them to new requirements or to improve their operation.

Testing laboratory

We have robots built by the leading manufacturers in our facilities to conduct tests and demonstrations.

Machine vision


Ensuring the quality in the manufacture of any product is one of the greatest needs of all our customers and being able to achieve this challenge regardless of factors such as fatigue, distractions, carelessness or mistakes, gives them with great peace of mind. Therefore, at Syspro we study and design solutions through machine vision, which enables the detection of multiple types of defects in products and decision making, such as the expulsion of defective products from the production line.


The control of traceability by reading various types of printed or perforated codes can be done using readers, but sometimes machine vision cameras need to be used.

Location and guiding

Another use of machine vision is the location and orientation of products when they are not ideally placed in specific and determined positions. The use of machine vision enables products to be manipulated with robots or guided to act on the desired areas, without the need to design and manufacture expensive and complex tools or positioning systems.

Testing laboratory

We have a laboratory equipped with various machine vision systems, lighting and complementary technologies (TOF, Thermography, etc.) to conducts tests, viability studies of applications and demonstrations.

Special machines developing

The diversity of consumer products and the need for flexibility when manufacturing them, among other factors, often lead to the need to carry out certain tasks or processes for which there is no standard machine or equipment on the market.

At Syspro we design and build custom machines and process equipment based on the specific need of the production process.


+34 986 410 751
Rúa dos Padróns, 12 - Porto do Molle
36350 Nigrán

+34 981 601 684
Centro de negocios APEMAX. Avda. Alcalde Manuel Platas Varela 93, 1º
Vilarrodís - Arteixo
A Coruña

+34 911 610 265
Centro Empresarial Best Point. Oficina 22B Av. de Castilla, 1
28830 San Fernando de Henares


+351 916 699 727
Rua António Champalimaud,
lote 1, sala 101
1600-514 Lisboa


+41 615 112 905
Gellertstrasse 55, 4052 Basel


100 Overlook Center, 2nd floor, Princeton
08540 New Jersey

+34 986 410 751
Bajada Gándara, 7, Nave 8, 36330 Coruxo, Vigo

+34 981 601 684
Centro de negocios APEMAX. Avda. Alcalde Manuel Platas Varela 93, 1º Vilarodís - Arteixo
A Coruña

Centro Municipal de Empresas San Fernando de Henares – Oficina 35. Av. de la Vía Láctea 4, 28830 San Fernando de Henares

+351 912 054 481
Avenida da República, 50, 2º andar, 1050 - 196

+1 64 63 74 43 49
100 Overlook Center Princeton, 08540 New Jersey